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鍙戝竷浜猴細缁忔祹瀛﹂櫌  鍙戝竷鏃ユ湡锛?020-07-01  娴忚娆℃暟锛欬script>_showDynClicks("wbnews", 1487839492, 4652)  

濮撳悕:Xingwang Qian

鍥 绫岤涓浗







1993.9-1997.9 灏辫浜庡崡寮€澶у浼氳绯讳細璁′笓涓氾紱鑾峰澹浣岦/span>

2003.9-2005.9 灏辫浜庣編鍥藉姞宸炲ぇ瀛︼紙University of California锛夊浗闄呯粡娴庝笓涓氾紝鑾风澹浣嶏紱

2005.9-2008.9 灏辫浜庣編鍥藉姞宸炲ぇ瀛︼紙University of California锛夊浗闄呴噾铻嶄笓涓氾紝鑾峰崥澹浣嶃€侟/span>


2008.9-2013.9缇庡浗绾界害宸炵珛澶у锛圫tate University of New York, Buffalo State锛変换鍔╃悊鏁欐巿锛汓/span>

2013.9鑷充粖缇庡浗绾界害宸炵珛澶у锛圫tate University of New York, Buffalo State锛変换缁堣韩鏁欐巿锛汓/span>

2014.8鑷充粖缇庡浗鍔犲窞澶у锛圲niversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill锛変换鍓暀鎺堛€侟/span>



2015.11鑷充粖棣欐腐鍩庡競澶уGlobal Research Unit (GRU)鐮旂┒鍛楛/span>





路鈥淗oarding of International Reserves: A neighborly day in Asia鈥 joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong) and Eli Remolona (BIS), forthcoming inPacific Economic Review.

路 鈥淚nternational Reserves, External Debt Maturity, and the Reinforcement Effect for Financial Stability鈥? joint with Andreas Steiner (University of Groningen and ifo Institute),Journal of International Money and Finance,73 (2017) 399鈥?18.

路 鈥淢easuring the on-going changes in China鈥檚 capital flow management: A de jure and a hybrid index data set鈥? joint with Jinzhao Chen (ESSCA, France),China Economic Review, Volume 38, April 2016, Pages 167鈥?82.

路 鈥淐hina-US Trade Flow Behavior: The Implications of Alternative Exchange Rate Measures and Trade Classifications,鈥 joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong) and Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin, Madison and NBER),Review of World Economics, 152(1), Page 43-67.

路 鈥淐orruption Distance and Foreign Direct Investment,鈥 joint with Jesus Sandoval-Hernandez (University of California, Merced).Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,Volume 52, Issue 2, Page 400 - 419.

路 鈥淚nternational Reserves and the Composition of Equity Capital Inflows鈥? joint with Andreas Steiner (University of Osnabruck, Germany),Review of International Economics,Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 379 - 409.

路 鈥淭he Missing Link: China鈥檚 Contracted Engineering Projects in Africa鈥? joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong), Jakob de Haan (De Nederlandsche Bank), and Shu Yu (University of Groningen, the Netherlands),Review of Development Economics, Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 564鈥?80.

路 鈥淎re Chinese Trade Flows Different?鈥 joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin, Madison and NBER),Journal of International Money and Finance,Vol. 31, Issue 8, Pages 2127-46, 2012.

The NBER Working Paper #17875: http://www.nber.org/papers/w17875

路 鈥淐hina鈥檚 Outward Direct Investment in Africa鈥? joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz), Jakob de Haan (De Nederlandsche Bank), and Shu Yu (University of Groningen, the Netherlands),Review of International Economics,Vol. 20, Issue 2, 2012. 3

路鈥淎n Analysis on Political Risks and the Flow of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing and Industrial Economies,鈥 joint with Kyeonghi Baek (SUNY Buffalo State),Economics, Management and Financial Markets, 6 (4), 2011.

路 鈥淐apital Flight: China鈥檚 Experience鈥 joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz),Review of Development Economics, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2010.

路 鈥淗oarding of International Reserves: Mrs. Machlup's Wardrobe and the Joneses鈥? joint with Yin-Wong Cheung(University of California, Santa Cruz),Review of International Economics, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2009.

路 鈥淓mpirics of China鈥檚 Outward Direct Investment鈥? joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz),Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 14, Issue 3, 2009.

路 鈥淐hinese Investments in Africa鈥? joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz),Jakob de Haan (De Nederlandsche Bank), and Shu Yu (University of Groningen, the Netherlands), in Yin-Wong Cheung and Jakob de Haan,eds., "The Evolving Role of China in the Global Economy", 2012, MIT Press.

路 鈥淐hina鈥檚 Outward Direct Investment and Its Oil Quest鈥? in Yin-Wong Cheung and Jakob de Haan,eds.,"The Evolving Role of China in the Global Economy", 2012, MIT Press.

路 鈥淒eviations from Covered Interest Parity: the Case of China鈥? joint with Yin-Wong Cheung (University of California, Santa Cruz), in Yin-Wong Cheung, Vikas Kakkar, and Guonan Ma, eds.,Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, the Evolving Role of Asia in Global Finance, 2011, ISBN 978-0-85724-745-2.

路 鈥淐hinese Exchange Rate, the US Current Account Deficit, and the Global Imbalance鈥? joint with Jinzhao Chen (Paris School of Economics), International Affair Forum, the Center for International Relation, Washington DC. http://www.ia-forum.org/Files/RCHTRV.pdf

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